Jack James

By JackJames


Today started horrifically - waking up to find that you're still drunk is never fun, so I paid a visit to the loo for the first stomach evacuation of the year and went back to bed. Woke up at 1:30, fresh as anything, much to my pleasant surprise! Spent the day watching films on TV until I reached saturation (the acting in Narnia: Prince Caspian tipped me over the edge) and went on a walk in the pouring rain with Jessie.

Invited people over for a film to find that my DVD player had given up, and it proceeded to ingest any DVD that we fed it. I remember my VHS player doing that, but thought that the technology had grown out of it. We ended up watching Sherlock (which, to my great resentment, I quite enjoyed) and played some Articulate. Jess and Emma were cheating horribly, but me and Jessie still won. Not sure how we didn't notice, especially when they were getting correct answers from clues like:

"Uhh, It's either the capital of north or south Africa?"

This is Jess, she doesn't like cameras.

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