Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

AAAAAAaaah at last!

When your mind requires solitude as a certain form of solace and it remains absent for a while, the first few moments on your own are like paradise.

Today, was such a day for me!

Out on my bike across the fens, stopping and smelling the richness of the soil, feeling the chill on my skin, enlivening my very being. For the better part of the day I was alone, other people that I met were there for the same reasons and we graciously nodded to our kindred spirits.

The wind brought bird song from the hedges and trees, then quickly stealing it away again. The whir of the tyres, the burning in my legs, cold hands and a warm heart all mine, no need for words, no explanations, no justifying or achieving, simple, uncomplicated, me time!

I sat by the river watching the sun lazily drop towards the horizon, the sky turning gold, clouds pushed around by the winds, my soul stirred along with them as if brothers, what a life this is!

We are all different (as an ugly scene in the coffee shop proved!) and I am more glad of it some days than others, knowing myself, it is wise for me not to be with people some times.

Give me a wild place anytime!

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