Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

And.....your back in the room!

After three days of feeling rubbish it was so pleasant to get back on the bike. Pushing against the pedals and the wind...chasing what looked like a lovely sunrise. I could see the glow over the houses...the sky turning pastel shades. Sometimes when the Sun rises the sky gets an amazing 'Bloom', it just suddenly seems to glow across the whole vastness....and then it is gone. The bloom happened as I was going through the most built up area.....panic and disappointment set in as most of the time that signals the best bit of it all!

I stood there...spellbound....transfixed....beguiled by nature's colossal beauty. Stillness and wonder as sunrise danced upon the river, no-one about, not a soul to point and say " wonderful!". It would be easy to wax on about the sheer beauty of it all....but my regulars will get how I feel about moments like this.

Anyway, I stood, dumb to all about me, until that is......a car horn, sounded in anger at goodness knows what, broke into the silence, moment ended.....

So here we go again...ho hum! Another wonderful day....dear oh dear how it bores one! Hahahahahahahaha

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