Hot Chocolate Face

Even worse than this one!!

I made it out of the house today. That means I had a better night and have had a better day all round :) Sadly it's not been the case for Steve who is still pretty poorly and will be going to the doctors tomorrow hoping for antibiotics.

Ben needed calpol at bedtime last night, he was poorly and so upset with it. Eventually tucked him up in our bed even though he was desperate to sleep in his own bed. Charley had a much better night and we all got a lot more sleep than the previous night!

We're still eating utter rubbish - but at least it's a chocolate Guinness cake sort of rubbish. And hot chocolate for Steve and Ben. I'm still on the coffee! At least once I'd been out to the shop this afternoon I brought back vegetable soup so we got some vitamins in us. And I brought back vegetables generally so there's veg roasting in the oven for soup, and broccoli in the freezer to also be made into soup. Need to start eating properly again!!!

I had some actual real proper "me" time today. It was less than 10 minutes but it was so lovely. Came back from the shop, decided the sunlight and the weather and the fact that Ben was happy and Charley was still asleep on Steve's chest was too god an opportunity to miss so I got the gardening gloves out and did some weeding in the front garden! Ok you might think that a bonkers way to spend 10 minutes of me time but the fresh air was GORGEOUS and the front garden is much happier for it too :)

Isn't life SO much better when you've had some sleep :) Just need us all to get over these horrid bugs now - we could really do with a holiday to recuperate from all the poorliness...

The last word today goes to the tumbledrier.

They are wonderful wonderful inventions. I can't believe it's taken us SO LONG to get one. I am actually on top of the laundry for the first time in over a decade!!!!!

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