jeni and the beans

By themessymama

Point, click, hope...


One of only 3 photos I took today, all at quarter to midnight. I could've got Ben in it as he decided to wake up at 11.30 and is snuggled on my knee now.

I really ought to be videoing Steve, not blipping.... he's flapping his wings on some daft wii fit game....

Sunday. What has today held? Well, after Ben waking for the day at 7am (and us trying desperately to ignore it until 8am), and after battles to get dressed and have breakfast, it was church; after church we had rice and leftover gravy and pigs in blankets; then we watched Ice Age (the fist one) and I cried at least 5 times during it and had to cover Ben's eyes at one point. Why do they have to make kids films so sad?!! I was proper blubbing! Then we decided to go swimming. Last night when we were trying to calm Ben down Steve mentioned swimming, which caught Ben's attention briefly, so I mentioned it again today and he seemed keen. So off we went to Horsham, specifically for the Lazy River they have there. The water wasn't cold but the air was, although it actually seemed warmer air outside in the Lazy River than inside the poolhouse itself. Ben loved it, spent most of his time climbing out to jump back in again. Hot chocolate and mini cheddars in the cafe as they'd stopped serving hot food (we would've had chips), and then he fell asleep on the way home. Screamed and cried as we got his pyjamas on because he was so tired, but went to bed no problem.

Ste and I have eaten party food for dinner. He's had cheese and crackers, I've has cake and mince pies and cream and cheese and crackers. Seem to have forgotten about the wine somehow. Not sure how that happened, I'm sure I meant to have a glass...

So we watched Dirty Dancing and ate, then got the wii fit out and after 3 attempts Steve was happy with his wii fit age. I only took 2 attempts to get a satisfactory age ;) Ben joined us as I finished my body test and has been snuggled up since. He's taking it all very well, being downstairs, and has gone back to sleep on my knee.

Then I realised the time and took this picture. I meant to try and get Ben in it but have the wrong lens on - but I kinda like this. You can't tell, but I'm wearing my new jumper ;)

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