Dubreyferkin Diaries

By StrictlyDavina

All Good Things Come To An End

So here I am having settled down for the evening, my last evening before I return to work after the Christmas holidays.

All the entertaining has been completed with the last of the visitors having left about 5.00 p.m. Christmas has been and gone oh so quickly. All the rushing around, planning and preparation is over for another year. Christmas is a lovely time for getting together with friends and family and sharing all those special moments.

So tomorrow, our decorations come down. Normally they would have been taken down on New Year's Day but as we still have visitors to entertain we left them up.

The picture is of a brand new decoration which I received in the post from a new friend in Canada. It is a lovely decoration and had pride of place on our Christmas Tree. Many thanks Linda.

Right, I'm off to enjoy my last evening of relaxation before hitting the floor running in work tomorrow.

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