Big Hill

By bighill

Trip down memory lane...

or more precisely...under the bed in my office!

Now that i'm giving myself this time to explore painting in oils it's sort of taking hold of me!!!! I was reminded that i used to do a lot of 'arty' things, years and years ago....using pastels, or acrylic paint.....and mostly all abstract stuff. sometimes using an image to copy and then paint! I used to do what i called 'interior landscapes'.....i loved the process, it usually lead to the uncovering of some seeds of discontentment within my life!

I'm talking about 10-12 years ago...raising 9 year old twins, trying to survive being a self employed potter in the country....and holding all the elements of what had been my dream - being a self contained, autonomous craftsperson! I should add, i wasn't doing this alone, i was still with their father. and it kinda worked...but it was patched together mostly by tenancity! But in retrospect, it was also extremely fertile land and full of the chaos of that time. After getting kids off to school, and sometimes before i headed downstairs to the studio....i'd put on some very loud music (still need that element!!) and move with colours and marks - after about an hour of that i was ready....emptied of the chaos!

So now, approaching 60 - life is beautiful, simple and i'm content. no longer have the chaos to drive my 'interior landscapes' i'm approaching this segment with something different. and altho i'm loving it, learning so much - like how easy it is to muddy up clouds when using oils.....there is a certain element missing! But i think i can find it again, only different now!

Here is what i found when i stood up, after sitting on the floor for a long while, looking and remembering......just had to blip it!

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