Big Green Squash!!!
Thought it would be a good way to start is the first still life exercise i've done from the book i'm using to teach myself how to paint with oils!!! i'm pretty pleased with it, i can also see where i could have been better, and where i was having trouble (like the stem!) any 'creative' comments, especially from those painting blippers out there, would be greatly appreciated!
just about to start the next exercise....a landscape. i'm loving this new directions!
Well, it's the first day of the new year, and altho i'm not inclind to make resolutions, i am intending to pay more attention to each day and find the good there, give my love more freely, and be even more patient (i'm not really a very patient person, but i have, i believe, grown in this area this past couple of years) - cheers to all you wonderful blipping folks....this site just keeps on giving!
this is a small painting: 9" x 12", and is an acorn squash grown here in our garden!
listening to Dar album Promised Land! it is awesome!
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