
A trip into town for the girls to spend some of their Christmas money and to do some of that winter wonderland 'stuff' they have on in the east end of the gardens. Money was duly spent, but horizontal sleet that actually hurt meant the other activities were kept to a minimum. Could be back tomorrow to fulfill my parental obligations re ice skating. I'm not a natural, it's been years, might be a little embarassing, hopfully just be my pride that gets damaged.

Found out today that our lovefilm account can be linked to our recently-purchased largeish TV (we had an old CRT 20" one on the floor of our living room for the last two years, it was about time we upgraded believe me) meaning that a lot of the films can simply be streamed and watched immediately with a little ethernet connectivity. And, whilst I am very keen to watch many of the 480 titles available in the 'World Cinema' section tonight we went for something from Romance'. I felt I should watch these movies just for cultural-curiosity purposes. And, erm, we've now seen three of 'em over the holidays.

Music, summat brilliant from the second film in the series.

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