Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

The Day After the Holiday

It's still the holiday because the New Year began on a Sunday. So we spent the first few hours of the morning watching the Rose Parade (they never have it on Sunday). Then by mid-day the temperature was in the 80s, so we looked at each other and said, "Let's get in the pool!"

We didn't really swim in the pool, but we did sit in the spa for about an hour and a half. Well Mr. Fun played in the pool a little and he said it wasn't bone-crunching cold, but it wasn't exactly comfortable. I voted to stay in the heated water of the spa.

This evening we had Mexican food and absolutely over ate. Some serious dieting will need to begin soon. Then we watched the video Shakespeare in Love, an Oscar winning movie from 1998. Mr. Fun bought the video several weeks ago at the Friends of the Library store for twenty-five cents. He's feeling pretty pleased with himself.

This has been a good second day of the New Year. We're both thoroughly enjoying some time "off" and it isn't over yet. Woohoo.

Good night from a warm and toasty Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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