The Hazyland Boys

By TheHazylandBoys

A Collie's got to do what a Collie's got to do!

A Collie's got to do what a Collie's got to do!
- And when something/someone is moving, a Collie's got to lie down and stare! Hero is taking that job very seriously. If Beat is likely to run, Hero must lie down and stare! Even if it means lying down in knee-high water! Silly little man!

I left work at about noon today as I am feeling awful. I think a flu has sneaked in on me. I woke last night and needed to take tablets to fall asleep again as my body was aching so bad and today I've been sneezing, had a sore throat, my entire body is still aching, I'm dizzy and it feels like my head is full of cotton wool! This is not good at all!

I took the boys for a walk as soon as I came home. No point in trying to sleep/rest until they had been out. They would have been in my face!
Now we are home (cold, stormy, wet and muddy - it's a miserable day), I've made myself a cup of tea and I'm ready for a looooong nap!

Emmy & the Hazyland boys.

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