The Hazyland Boys

By TheHazylandBoys


I am still feeling awful and my nose won't stop sneezing!

The boys have been very good today, but collies need a way to burn their energy or they do get absolutely OTT, so at about noon the thought of not taking them out was worse than the thought of getting up, dressed and outside!

I put them all in the car and drove to a big field, where I could let them out and give them a good run without having to do very much myself.

It worked wonders and they have been a lot more settled since.

This is Beat keeping me company on the sofa. It really is wonderful to snuggle up with a dog, when you are not feeling well.

Hope you all had a more exciting day than I did.
Emmy & the Hazyland boys

Thank you for putting wet and muddy Hero on the Spotlight page yesterday.

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