The Lazy Diarist

By MASmith

Rest Day

When fellrunners aren't running around with maps, they're sat at home looking at them with a brew. It's a very typical scene for a rest day (have run for the last 10 days straight so needed a break!)

I was due to go to Cambridge with work early tomorrow and have now been told not to arrive until the evening. This means I can stop off on the way there (from Wrexham) for a run I never expected to be able to do. It's like a present when you are given a chance like this :-)

A quick look at the roadmap shows that the lovely, steep and testing Long Mynd hills are en route (sort of) and so an early start means a morning there before heading down to the flat south (instead of having to think and do stuff all day).

Exciting (well for me anyway)!

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