The big storm was pretty scary last night, I woke at 7 with the bathroom window blowing the contents of the window sill on to the floor and down the toilet! Tried to go back to bed but something banged off the bedroom window and they rattled with every gust. Moved to the living room to watch a bit of tv and take my mind off the shaking house, eventually dosed for an hour then got a warning call from my upstairs neighbour about some slates balanced precariously in the guttering directly above my front door.
By this time The wind had actually died down and the rest of the house began to stir, there were an alarming number of slates strewn around outside, some wedged into the grass with some force!
The photos on Inverclyde Now illustrated the worst of the damage with cars strewn around the kempock street car park, trees down, containers blown over and flooding on the esplanade. We went out for a brief blip hunt to survey the damage and it seems very quiet now, quite a contrast to the turmoil of this morning.
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