
Tonight's blip is for Freya - the grooviest rock chick to walk the earth. She is still away at her dad 's but I was texting her to tell her about the ultimate indie v's rock top 50 on MTV. We were round at Marisol's for dinner and she had stuck it on in the background as they don't have much of a music collection to choose from and she knew I would like it. I really enjoyed it but it did make me miss Freya hugely as she is the best person to watch music tv shows with. She would have totally approved of the Arctic Monkeys (pictured) being number 1!

Aside from MTV, we had a lovely night with John and Marisol, food was delicious as always and it was just a lovely relaxed evening. Tomorrow will be a nice evening at our house with Auntie's C & E and Uncle A coming for dinner. It might just be us as my brothers family are lurgy-tastic at the moment but it will be nice to see the others as we've not caught up since the summer.

I took down the Christmas decorations this morning and did a spot of housework. We popped out to the shops to get our ingredients for tomorrow (I say 'our' as Carlos is cooking soup & main!) and generally had a quiet restful day ahead of our evening out.

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