Disney Magic

This is me on the sofa with Mum, watching Bolt. It's about a dog who gets lost and is trying to get back to his little girl. After a shaky start, he makes friends with a cat called Mittens. There's a bit in the film where Mittens thinks he's going to stay with her, but he tells her he needs to carry on to find his girl and he leaves Mittens behind. I got quite upset at this bit, and had tears in my eyes. Mum asked me if I was crying, but I said no, I just had a sore eye. Then later I said, "I feel a bit sad Mum". But Mum promised it would be alright in the end. It got very scary for a bit, but then everything was okay and they all lived happily ever after.

We went to Waitrose today. Mum and Dad were very happy, and so was I because it was nearly empty and I got run up and down the aisles.

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