Diary Of A Sinner

By ArchieDog

New Home - Day Twenty Six

My name is Archie and I am a sinner.

Holy Moly. The Nippy Wee Wifie can sleep for Scotland. Safe to say she could probably fall asleep on a razor blade.

She took me out after coming home this morning then settled at her desk for an hour or so. I snuggled at her feet.
After a while she went and sat on her bed and switched on the television.
The Boxing Day TV must have been particularly boring because I watched her yawn, nod her head and finally keel over.

Didn't even make it into her pyjamas, or under the duvet for that matter.

Fully clothed, diagonally across the bed, spectacles askew and remote control still in hand.
Out like a light. Sparko.

Safe to say it must have been a busy shift last night.

The bedroom door was open. All sorts of delights lay downstairs. Unopened presents, a work bag with uneaten sandwiches, bags and bags of stuff to pee on.

But I stayed upstairs. I climbed on to the bed beside her. She was oblivious so I just snuggled beside her - well she would have frozen without her duvet.

She awakened before dusk and I hopped smartly off the bed without even being asked.

Off for a quick jaunt outside and then we had a game of "fetch the ball". It was just an extension of the "drop it" and "thank you" game and we have played it before. This time I was less inclined to keep the ball and was very good at giving it up.

NWW watched the TV for a couple of hours then took me out again. After that she headed up to bed and actually made it into her pyjamas.
She had intended to watch the TV in bed for the evening but she was out cold again within half an hour.

They talk about being dog tired. You ain't seen nothing till you've seen Nippy Wee Wifie tired.

I hopped up beside her and decided to let sleeping Wifies lie.

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