Diary Of A Sinner

By ArchieDog

New Home - Day Twenty Seven

My name is Archie and I am a sinner.

I was expecting to go to the stables today but Nippy Wee Wifie left me in my crate.

She was back soon enough though. Carrying a big water container she rushed back into the house.
The water was off at the farm and she needed water for the horse. Horse was still sick. In fact he had taken a turn for the worse this morning and was very sore.

I heard her telephone the vet and ask him to come out with intravenous painkillers.

She was off again smartish to attend to her precious boy. I was insane with jealousy and barked in my crate. She ignored me.

The vet was there within the hour, pumped the horse full of drugs and left again.

NWW came home looking rather thoughtful and preoccupied.

She soon perked up though when she let me out of my crate and we had a bit of a walk and a few games.

She discovered a game that I've invented myself.
She discovered it when she lifted the blanket out of my crate.
It's called "poke a paw through the bars, slide the letters into the crate and chew them up".

She thought it was a good game too because she laughed when she saw the wads of chewed up paper hidden beneath my blanket. Apparently they weren't important. Just flyers, but she was careful to take away the rest of the wee pile that sat beside my crate.

That'll teach the messy midden to tidy up.

If she's going to give me lessons, then I'm going to give her some too.

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