Two Thousand Photos

By ajinternational

The ferry to Paquera

Another day, another beach?

This time we're getting to stay for a whole week!

7 days of sun, sand and sea - I'm either going to go a delicious golden brown, or I'll start looking like a lobster with peeling skin. I'm aiming for the former?

The quickest way to get to our seaside base at Playa Tambor is to take the ferry across the Gulf of Nicoya from the town of Puntarenas to the port of Paquera on the other side.

Puntarenas was once a major player in Costa Rica's economy but to the outsider it looks like it has had its heyday - in many parts it looks tired and rundown. The train line that once ran through this spit of land is still evident but has been tarmacked over where ever it meets a road intersection - scars of the past?

However, this port town holds special memories for me - it's here that I took this photo that re-sparked my interest in photography - and for that I'll be eternally grateful.

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