A slightly later start to the day than we'd agreed, as we turned the alarm clock off after the second snooze, deciding without words that more sleep was needed. Happily I woke in time to get Katherine to her French lesson, then on to her riding lesson.
Conor's football coach called at lunch time with the good (for me) news that the pitch was flooded and training was off. Conor wasn't too downhearted and trotted off to play outside with guns. I got stuck into some painting, then cleared the terrace... well, started clearing the terrace. This is the end of our terrace in front of the kitchen, where we'll have our table. This morning this was solid brambles - just like the remnants you see left of centre. Looking a bit better now, but still much to do (but only once I've tracked down my proper bramble gloves - I was using my building gloves and my arms are cut to ribbons).
Good to be back. Despite the cold... Roll on spring (or a heating solution).
EDIT: the single storey bit with the huge fancy window is our neighbour's house. Nice, eh?
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