
By strawhouse

Rain, rain, rain!

What a dull and dreary day!
Miss E was very excited about getting back to school - especially as it's PE Day. I must say it was a bit of a shock to the system getting up and out by 8.40am!
A bit annoying, I'd arranged for Miss L to start in the nursery for a few sessions from the start of term in January but there was some mix up and she can't start until February. I thought it was odd that I'd heard nothing about her settling-in sessions but me being me didn't chase it up! Doh!!
So there's my dream Monday morning at the gym lazing around drinking tea and watching grown up TV out the window for a while....
Also annoying, I rang T-mobile to sort my upgrade and they wouldn't give me the handset I wanted for free. I bluffed and said well then I'll have to go for the O2 deal I'd seen, she said fine then. Not quite the result I'd hoped for!!!!
But on a more positive note, I made it to the gym again tonight, had an Actimel for breakfast and 4 cups of green tea throughout the day. I am healthiness personified!!!

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