The journey continues...

By Lbell

Una buena noche!

I was at the orphanage again today. The new baby girl is the most cutest little thing! She has the biggest eyes ever and is so intrigued at what is going on all the time. She, like the others, has a sad story. Basically her mum is crazy. What makes it worse is that her mother hasn't been told by the authorities how often she's allowed to visit her child and so at the moment she comes every day which is totally unheard of, especially to begin with.
It's strange as the mother seems so normal and clearly loves the girl but at the same time she seems a bit OTT. She has/had 3 kids. The first she gave to the father, the second died, and this little one that's in the orphanage has severe burns all over her body and I've been told that the mother's sister reported her partly because of this. It's so sad but I'm so glad that the baby is in safe hands now!

After the orphanage I had a pizza night with my new flatmates. It was such a good night sitting, chatting and discovering my love of argentine music.
This one is kind of catchy. (Yo no se manana - Luis Enrique)

The picture today might seem quite random. This was the aftermath of our pizza dinner and it is just to demonstrate the dramatic change I have experiences living in this flat compared to the family one I lived in previously. Considering I am usually a clean freak, I love the fact I can leave things in the kitchen; it feels like I'm back in a student house :)

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