Barbara Hitchings

By Spannygranny

New Years day

At the Lee household. We did a surprise visit to the UK to be with Mum, as Dave and Rose had the opportunity to go to a party on New Years eve, and as Mum had been at their house for Christmas they needed a rest!!

It was quite funny arriving at Mum's, all the family knew we were coming over, except her. so, when Roy knocked on the front door and she answered it her comment was 'what the b****y hell are you doing here?' I think she was pleased to see us.

Had a quiet night in, then next day off to my brothers. He cooked a superb lunch for 10 of us, then chaos descended as Sarah, Corin, James, Chris and Faye arrived.

We all love being at Rose and Dave's house, as you just help yourself to food, coffee, tea or booze, no need to ask, everyone is made to feel welcome.

In the picture, Liam, James and Tom are playing on the vaious Ipads and Ipods. Tom looks huge against the other two.

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