Thanks Tom

Roy bought me this 'golf buddy' it's a gps rangefinder and gives you distances on the golf course, which is very helpful. I had expressed an interest in it a couple of months ago, and Roy had asked one of the guys at the golf club to get one, I happened to mention to Roy that I had asked Tom to bring me one home from the USA as it was cheaper over there, so that somewhat spoiled the surprise as Roy then had to cancel the one he was buying from the UK.

Went out for a meal last night 'You're turn to pay tonight' said Roy, so off we went to Mulberry's. Ordered our meal, looked at the wine list and chose a nice bottle of red. Asked for the bill and noticed that the wine was rather pricy, so I queried it, and the waitress pointed out to me that the wine I had chosen was 17.95 euros NOT 7.95 euros as I had thought, never mind, it was a very nice bottle of red.

Back blipped New Years day.

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