Simply Me

By Suze981

By my bedside

I love reading. I read all of the time. I am one of those 'Giles' type characters though and while I do love technology, I will never buy a kindle.

I love the feel of a book, I love the smell of a book, I love to dogear the pages and love it when a book looks well read and loved, I love flicking forward to see when the chapter ends to see when I can go to sleep...and then reading on anyway. None of this you can do on a kindle.

This is the pile of books that currently sit by my bedside. Some have been read, some are being read and some are in the queue. My sister bought me Aldus Huxley, A Brave New World, and Ray Bradbury, Farenheit 451, for Christmas and I'm practically itching to read them. I love dystopian fiction and can't believe I haven't read them before now. I feel like i'm in for a treat.

You can find out more about my literary heroes on my newly updated website

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