Voyage of a Beagle & Lab

By Inez


Beautiful day so Joshie and I climbed up Cockleroy with the dog, this proved to be a bit of an adventure. The car park had been closed because of the recent winds and a huge tree had come down. Intrepid adventures that we are we did manage to park the car and head along the path, the destruction caused by the wind was unbelievable - we climbed over and under a number of trees. The top of the hill was fantastic, the view really clear and not a breath of wind, unlike our expedition on New Years day, it was hard to believe that we had climbed through this to get here! You can see the Forth in background and Linlithgow with the Loch, Palace and Church. I rather like the strange, long shadows cast by the low winter sun. But as Ky and my sister said when I was telling D about my day - get to the best bit! Coco has threatened to pull me of my feet on a slippy slope before and on the way back down she broke into a run, I landed on my bum and was pulled down the hill - I'm sure it was only a couple of seconds but the hill was so wet and slippy it felt as though I was sledging and seemed to take an age to get some grip and stop myself. Uninjured but with very wet jeans and jacket - I came home sitting on Coco's towel in the car! Joshie was very concerned and thankful there hadn't been a rock where I fell, everyone else just asked why Joshie hadn't taken a photo for Blip!
Lovely lunch with my sister before going back to work tomorrow - holidays definitely over now!

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