My Day, My Life

By SixtySix66


It's the root of all evil!
At this time of year, everyone's short of it!
Some can't get enough of it.
It can/can't buy you happiness.

Whatever your opinion of it is, we're stuck with it, until something better replaces it.

I like collecting curios and arty things, they can be £ or £££. The simplest things can give the greatest pleasure.

Today's blip is a view of a 'Paperweight' which I believe is unique (please correct me if you know different) it was created by Scottish artist David Faithfull using shredded £10, £20 & £50 banknotes. It's NOT legal tender, so I can't nip down the shops with it for a spending spree!

I wouldn't sell it for £1,000,000 (well perhaps we can agree a price) it cost a fraction of that but I enjoy it and what price can you put on happiness.

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