Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Contemplating ...

... jet lag. This is my brother in law Yucca Dave who, along with the rest of the Aussie connection, is flying home to Sydney tomorrow and looks, in this shot, as if he is geared up (or down) for his jet lag already.

We had a great farewell meal in Loch Fyne (perhaps I should have done a Scotland the World Over shot). Very popular food. Not a single pudding taker though (including me - I have been dieting today after being horrified at what I found when I stood on the scales). I said Yucca Dave looked like a matelot in his stripey shirt and he offered to dance the hornpipe. But after a day trudging 'round the science museum he probably couldn't have managed it. That was the real source of his tired looks.

I'll miss them all - great bunch. We've had some really nice family meals since they flew in on Christmas day.

Other highlights today - Tigger the cat had successful day surgery. Work was frenetic. Girl Racer all ready for her skiing trip (departs tomorrow).

And now I am very sleepy ...

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