
By Mimthing

Necessity being the Mother of invention

And today would have been my Mother's 87th birthday.

The title for today was one of Mum's favourite sayings and she could always find something -or fashion it- that would do the job when she didn't have the real thing to hand.

After all the dreadful weather recently I was quiet overjoyed at the prospect of being able to hang some washing out -so sick of drying clothes around the fire every night- then I remembered that my washing pole died a few weeks ago and I hadn't got around to buying a new one.
So Mum came to the rescue with this, it is the handrail that was put into her house some years ago, the local social services didn't want it back -let's not get onto wasted money etc or I'll be here all night. I've had it knocking around for two and a half years now, not wanting to get rid of it as I knew it would have a use some day -Mum's way of thinking and I'm grateful to her for passing it down the line.

So this be the day.
I grabbed a saw and cut a notch out of one end and then hacked some off the length and hey presto I have a new washing pole!
I miss her and miss being able to be with her and ask her advise and listen to her tales of years gone by....but I know that she is never far away, she is my guardian angel, of that I am sure.

To live in the hearts of those we love is to not die

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