kintgen's fotos

By kintgen

Another champion

It was really warm today 7o (21.1C) downtown today but dispite the warm weather there are few signs of early flowers such as Adonis, Crocus, Helleborus or Galanthus so we will focus on trees. Hopefully soon the tradintional winter flora will stir to action.

This has to be the largest Cedrus libani in Denver. Those in milder areas will laugh to see a photo of such a "common tree" in many urabn landscape across the planet, but in cold continental Colorado true cedrus are stll rather rare.

This one has been there for some time as Panayoti showed me where it froze back in the 1969 Oct freeze where temperatures went from 70F to way below oF in 24 hours.

May it propser for many more years.

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