Pugs, horse, baby and me!

By Puggirl

Last day

Hi everyone

Phew so just caught up with my blips! It has been a busy day!

On our last morning we fed the ducks, used up all of the bread we bought for toast and then headed for our 45 min walk to the car as we had to be out of the villa by 10.00am.

Really enjoyed the break, so did the pugs! But one thing I have not enjoyed is catching up with all my washing! When your younger and you go away you get all your cloathes if by magic in a neat pile or put away, come back laundry fairy aka Mum! All is forgiven :)

Esmé sleeping like a baby, and hubby in the bath, me catching up on here - feeling like I have had a lovely time away.

Have missed blip, and am glad to get back to normal again, and as lovely as the time was away there is no place like home..

Lots of love

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