Presque French

By Kateandco

Puddles again

We made the most of our puddles today.
Mylo had school this morning and naia had nursery do I went to do the shopping except I had forgot the list so i got essentials then went and hit the private sales. You know those things you get invited to when you spend far too much money in a shop. Funnily enough all my invites are for children's wear shops. I would never spend that much money on myself. Sucker.
Anyway, so after spending money on the kids wardrobe for next winter I then had to call my husband and explain how that was actually saving money and luckily for me he was preoccupied at work. Ouf.
Then I had a nice cup of coffee because I have rediscovered caffeine and I feel like someone turned on the light switch. Why did I stop? Why did I think that was a good idea? Caffeine and I are BFF.
Mylo wanted pizza for lunch so I did what any self respecting mum would do and got one out of the freezer. Mylo looked through the oven door, "no mummy that's 'gusting I want real pizza" to which I replied that maybe he should make it (he does at weekends) to which he replied"give me the flour mummy". Smartass.
After nap we went and enjoyed the puddles. Mylo likes to jump really hard behind me and get water in his wellies and mine. We changed socks a lot. Then we played in the garden until dark and my friend Julian dropped round with some cadbury choc from England which I am eating now! It's mine! All mine :-)

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