Floating in the air....
Well we went out in the winter sun and do you know what.. 'what Jane ?' I hear you say... well,it was not that bad !! we managed 3 hours outside... and the girls removed jackets,which made me chilly just to look at them... but I guess when you are young and you are running like gazelles it's not so bad.We also pretty much had the place to ourselves as there were no other stupid people brave enough to stay out for more than 20 minutes.
My Mum and Dad are coming here later and treating us all to a chinese takeaway,I feel a little weak as all I have eaten this afternoon is two plain digestive biscuits (plain cookies,to my mates across the pond) ..... this does not sit well with me I can tell you.
Mr W and I are pretty tired as Nephew...pahhh The nephew awoke at 7.40am ... this is not something we are used too !! I thought I was going to have to get an oxygen tent for Mr W ... he also went a bit tacky cardic ....
anyway lets see what tomorrow morning brings........
p.s Lucy on trampoline outside,I forgot to change my settings from inside,so the photo is over exposed,but it's my photo and I don't mind at all :D
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