All things me

By KatiePie

This old thing again..

After a day of mostly imprinting an impression of my bottom onto my sofa (about the laziest day I've had in the last 7 years!) in order to try and make myself recover because I'm BOOOOORED of being under par..and I suspect everyone is bored of hearing about it I felt the need to do something.
I fished out this bit of crochet, seen on blip in May and September (as on the screen). I'm a rubbish crafter. I wish I could do more. Although to be fair, the chocolaltier's hands do interfere with crochet as a lot of the winter months, I just can't handle the yarn without catching it up on my dry fingers. I'm determined to try and start doing some sewing this year but at the moment I'm at the stage where I need to buy fabric to try little projects and I'm reluctant to spend the money unless I know I'll commit to the sewing.

Anyway, the crochet thingy started it's life as a bag but I'm not sure I have the energy to keep going and turn it into one, I've kind of lost all steam on it and it's a bit floppy really to be of any use..
I'm debating stopping and making it into a cushion instead, although it's a bit straight sided so it's not going to be a neat and tidy one, well, either that or it's going to require a very deep cushion pad..

Don't know..

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