
By mattleach

BT Tower

I've had a fantastic day today!

Started with an early haircut (Don't worry it gets better!). Then I set off on my own to go and check out a studio in Birmingham that is host to a camera club I've found. It was really friendly and I think I've finally found somewhere I can fit in with like minded people. I'm stupidly excited about it.

I left the studio and went to the nearby BT Tower to take some shots for a challenge for another local group that I've found who seem a nice bunch. I haven't had chance to vet the shots yet so I've just picked this one quickly for my blip. I was so in my element though without any family distractions and being able to selfishly take my time and plan my shots without any rush. I really enjoyed myself!

Then for a quick cake and a coffee at a coffee shop where the camera group base themselves. There was nobody there but it was nice to see where they meet and chat to the owner of the cafe about the group. It sounds perfect again for me so I look forward to involving myself more soon!

Headed back home early than planned and was taken for a belated birthday luch by Mrs L in our favourite Ewe & Lamb. baked Camembert and posh hot dog and chips! Bloody lubbly!! I have realized the weight has piled back on me though so need to start at fat club next week!

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