my corner of the world

By Vic

Chasing sunbeams

Jasmine set the day off with needing to be taken to dancing at 8:40am. No to be honest, it started at 6:45am when John set off for a day skiing at Xscape (thanks to a voucher given by his best mate, Andy). He was so noisy leaving the house! Jaden and I chilled out playing. Jasmine returned and we did dinner then I saw sunbeams! So kids rounded up and we went chasing sunbeams.

Enjoyed a lovely, warm walk on the beach then returned. We relaxed in the afternoon and some friends popped round and stayed for tea. John returned at 8, full of excitement of the day. We still chillin'!

Hope you're having a good weekend too xxx

Just realise it's my 200th today! I made it! Still aiming for 365 which seems a long way off!

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