my corner of the world

By Vic

Princess Katie

Can I say a huge thank you to everyone who commented on yesterday's 200th blip. I was so overwhelmed by the comments and hearts and stars. It has given me such a boost. You are such lovely people and are so encouraging. I get so frustrated with myself and want to be better. Blip and you wonderful blippers have taught me so much. Thank you! I've met some wonderful people on here and been encouraged to do less work and more play.

We went to Church today which I've not done for a long time (apart from the Nativity service over Christmas). Then had a quick dinner with Princess Katie. She was ready for a party and had her Cinderella slippers. She was as gorgeous as ever. Was lovely to have a catch up again.

The kids went swimming with friends Jess and James when we got back . Jaden had already had a swimming lesson from 8am-9am! He loves it. I worked and did a bit more work and then worked some more. Boo to work! I'll be off to put the youngest to bed and the finish planning.

Thank you once again for making me so smiley yesterday.
You're a lovely lot.

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