Back and Forth thru time

By pingufivemins

Paradise By the Dashboard Light

Evening all,

In my job i do a lot of driving around, and i'm pleased to say that i don't get stuck in too many serious traffic jams. The turn the engine off,stretch your legs,make friends with the caravan owner with the chemical toilet type of jam.

The worst one i can remember was on the M1 when i had a student with me who had lots of conversation and lots of halitosis, and an unatural keeness to get out and help the rescue services, despite the fact that from our position at the head of the jam we could see 4 ambulances, a firecrew cutting a car roof off, an air ambulance landing and lots of blood and bodybags!

Anyway, i've now found something to do in the future,should i be idling in a jam.
After all thats what a dashboard is for, isn't it?

Night all


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