
To have friends who I have grown up with, who have shared my ups and downs, who despite the fact that I don't see them that often, just allow me to fit straight back in as though I was family.

I've known Paul for just over twenty years. We had the misfortune of working together in a godforsaken hell-hole of a factory in Cheetham Hill. the summer as I finished my A'levels. He was the only thing that kept me going to work every day. He became a great friend, defended my honour against an idiot of a boss who tried to have a go at me for taking a day off for the funeral of one of my friends (the day of my A'level results) and ultimately, has stuck by me through marriages, births and relationship breakdowns. He's never judged me, despite the fact that once or twice I have judged him, and when I did, he forgave me. I am lucky to have him as my friend.

His partner, Zoe, has him well trained!!! I love her to bits too.

Elle, his sister has had her ups and downs too, but she is such a wonderful person - she is doing a fabulous job raising her daughter and although she doesn't believe it, she copes with the crap that life throws at her.

Finally, Alex, Elle's partner, who I have only met today 'in real life' but have come to know over the internet in the past few months. They are good for each other and it has been lovely to meet Alex tonight, just to check that he is ok!!!! He is, I approve, not that my opinion matters.

We have pretty much spent the day with them all, and Paul and Elle's parents, who hold a special place in my heart - I spent a large proportion of my late teens and early twenties at their house and they always, without question, treated me as though I was their own.

So, with this clan, and my own boys, I have spent a happy day and evening, and am truly grateful for having them in my life. You're all bloody fantastic and my ribs hurt from laughing so hard :-) Lovely to see you all.

PS Paul is not praying, although he should be, because the women in his life have him truly whipped into shape - he needs to beg for mercy :-)

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