
The perfect way to end a holiday is by spending time with friends.

Yesterday was wonderful.

Today was lovely too - an afternoon in Sandbach at The Glasshouse drinking tea and chatting to my friend from school days, Lisa.

I'll not start waxing lyrical about the power of blip, but it was really blip that got us reconnected - we'd linked back up via facebook a couple of ears back and I hadn't realised that Lisa was reading my journal on a daily basis. Then she joined blip!

We met up last summer, with two of our other mutual friends from school days - it was like we'd not lost 20 years along the way.

Thanks Lisa, and apologies for a poorly executed photo - damn window behind you caused untold problems!

She is far more beautiful than this picture of her and she is such wonderful company.

Maybe this year we will see a little more of each other.

In other news, I am as prepared as I can be for work tomorrow - I haven't completely cleared the decks, but I am up to date with everything that can be done. So, bring it on.

Expecting a few ghosts this next week or so, but the edge has gone from the loss we felt so suddenly at work last year. I'm hoping we can remember fondly, and with humour, and not linger on regrets and sadness.

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