Me and Charley

Figured a blipless day would be a good day to start a 30 day challenge - then I discovered day 1 was "self". No fear! Not today, I felt rubbish, needed to wash my hair, had barely moved from the sofa all afternoon and evening - and then Charley FINALLY fell asleep and was happily transferred to Steve! Yippee! Food!!! Had enough insulin to allow me to eat cake all evening, had my lasagne and lots of cake, and had the luxury of a BATH :D Bliss!!! It's moments like that that are keeping me sane at the moment ;)

New nighties arrived in the post today, proper nursing ones so I don't need to stretch my poor old teeshirts any more :) And they're cute, and I'm a happy chick now!

Today has been an up and down day. This morning Steve went back to bed with an unbearable headache - the antibiotics are working on his chest infection but he's developed a killer headache in its place which is flooring him a bit. I got Charley fed and settled and into the wrap eventually and managed to bake a cake!! That was it though. Just the cake :) No washing up or laundry or anything.... Y'know. A priority a day. Today's was cake ;)

This afternoon though, I have been tied to Charley. It has been exhausting. Steve sent us to bed around 5.30pm ish because I was starting to cry. Ben came up an hour or so later having been crying for mummy and that he wanted to go to bed, so we had a big tandem cuddle in bed as although Charley was sent downstairs with daddy, it lasted very little time before he wanted mummy also. Hey ho.

So I have tried to take this self-portrait seriously this evening. Hung a sheet (yeh, I know, unironed) (and I don't have the patience to ps it all beautiful sorry!) up and got the tripod out and set up the self-timer and blah blah blah and waited for Charley to wake up! Which he did, and suffered me doing a few shots, then wanted to sit down with me - then did his usual maHOOsive poo.

Gotta love being a parent.


Been up to settle Ben again and he's been so sweet... I love you Ben. I love you too mummy! Love you lots mummy. Your hand is cold mummy, it needs duvet, I cuddle your hand mummy, make it warm again. <3 <3

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