What I did today

Today was a beautiful, sunny day; a great day for a walk in the park. Instead, I spent all day inside the house. However, I did accomplish a long list of necessary chores, so I am tired but satisfied that I made headway with some projects that I have been avoiding. Unfortunately, all I have for a blip tonight is this view of my office, which was, until today, a small guest room that we really never use for guests. Until this morning, my "office" was in the corner of the bedroom. Now, after Bob and I moved some dressers, desks, file cabinets, and one heavy cedar chest, I have a real office space all to myself.

The second major project for today was accomplished with the help of our granddaughter, Carrie, who spent her Saturday afternoon helping me migrate my computer files from my old computer to an external hard drive, and then to the new iMac. "All" I have to do is go through my files, delete all the old ones I don't need any longer, then reformat the external drive and back up my good files to it. Sounds like I have a few hours of work there, wouldn't you say? It's definitely not going to happen tonight though, as I sit here in my refurbished space, almost too tired to get up and go to bed. Yawn! I'm signing off, Blipfriends. I need some sleep. See you tomorrow.

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