
A very lazy Sunday here, in Chez Parte. I didn't surface until 12:03, and then we mostly lazed around. However, then Blip urge took hold later in the afternoon and I managed to drag Sophie away from Mrs P's Kindle (she's reading My Naughty Little Sister, and loves it), and head down to the beach at Ballyholme which is about a quarter of a mile from our house. It was very cold and windy. The car temperature widget said 10.5°C but with the wind chill, I reckon it was 1-2°C at most. The light was very poor though.

This is Ballyholme Bay and my other two shots are of seaweed in front of a broken concrete groyne and the sky when we got back home, to warm up. In between, an ice cream was had. Rum and Raisin flavour!



I've found the secret of slick commenting, by the way. Do it on Sunday mornings when the server isn't overloaded ;)

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