My Life In Pictures..

By SheWhoGlitters

Edinburgh Bound..

This shot was taken in Preston Station while I was waiting for my connecting train back to Edinburgh today..

It's quite a melancholy feeling, being back here, I know I'll miss being home with my family and D and all the comforts home has to offer..
It's also very strange, on the one hand, it feels like I haven't been here in my flat for ages; it's got that cold unlived in feeling.. But on the other hand, it's so familiar, it's like I never left..

I suppose I'll have to get used to it..

Need to get on with the mammoth job of unpacking now.. I brought back so much more than I came with, I just don't know where it's all going to fit!! Eek!!

Back to reality, with Uni tomorrow.. We're definitely not in Kansas anymore, Toto..

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