Simplicity's Splendour

"It's the beauty of simplicity that brings me down to my knees" - Telecast

Well it has been a wonderful weekend. There hasn't been any spectacular surprises or monumental occasions, many of the things I did I have done frequently in the past and it wasn't the sort of weekend we'll be talking about for years to come. However, it really was the simple things that made it spectacular.

This sunset just added to the "it's the little things" feeling. It really is quite incredible how much of life you can miss if you don't take the time to stop and appreciate it. The sun sets every single day, yet how many of us really stop and take in the constantly varying and unique beauty that is created when it does?

It made me think back to this day in the summer.

Placement tends to mean that life can become quite routine and planned; it seems to be during these times that I most notice life's little joys. It's a shame I couldn't be so sensitively tuned year round!

Church today was excellent. It was a chance to focus on our motto verse for the year "And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord's people." - Ephesians 6:18 .

Back in Fife now and barely managing to string sentences together so it really is time to wind down, switch off and get some sleep.

Edit - it has only just occurred to me that I'm not sure at which point the stump stopped being a tree - was it as a result of the recent winds or the way it has been for a while? On account of it being not too many meters from my front door I am hoping the latter is true! Otherwise I really am quite unobservant...

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