Off Centre

By RachelCarter

Can't see the wood for the fog

We decided to go for a walk in a wood in the fog today. This was a good decision.

It was chilly and drippy and eerie and beautiful. It's strange to go somewhere familiar and it look so different.
Memories of how everything usually looks combined with the magical childlike imagining that the world stops where your vision stops.

I took photo after photo of tall tree in fog, taller tree in fog, group of trees in fog, tree-lined path disappearing in fog. And when I got home and looked at them I was a bit fogged out. Sometimes I can't tell which photos are good and bad until days later when I've distanced myself and I can look at them with fresh eyes as if I'm someone else.
It's the same with writing but I think that needs more than a few days to get the distance right.
Anyway you can't do that with blipfoto because it's about today not last week.

This photo is the only one that I went out of my way to take. I liked the curly shape around the straight shapes.
There's a very good chance I've chosen the wrong one!

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