Our Little Lady

By theLifeofFernie

Today apparently is a big day,
to be honest I didn't care,
I was tired and just wanted to play,
but I allowed them to dress me,
put me back in the car,
go to the house we saw last night,
and change my clothes again after food,
Turns out it was a wedding day,
mummy was matron of honour,
and so had important things to do,
I just ran amock and had fun
the lady getting married was mummys sister,
who she hasn't seen in 3 and a half years,
but that's another story,
We went to the ceremony,
and then outside for photos,
Nana took me for a wonder,
as mummy had to stay for pics,
when some how I gained a fat lip
(mummy doesn't know the full story, as nanas first words to grandad were, shhh don't tell mummy...OOPS!)
We then went for lunch, my lip so sore,
before going back to the hotel,
for a bath and cuddle, and a walk round shops,
by this time I was asleep, a nap much needed,
before the party this evening,
Now that was fun, fat lip soon forgotten,
I tip tapped my feet, and waved my arms,
I liked this, I ran round with other children,
I had food and a drink, I caused mischief,
I laughed, I smiled, I really had fun then,
But all too soon it was over,
back to the car, I screamed, my lips trembling,
as I was plonked in told, Bed time,
PPPFFTTTTT, me not like that,
But I slept well that night,
tired from a long but amazing day,
meeting My aunty zoe for the first time,
and meeting 5 new cousins
Such a shame they live so far away.

(this blip is me after I pinched mummy bouquet! I liked it, its so pretty, its made of foam I discovered after trying to eat it, bleurgh not nice nor recommended!)

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