
By Jennifercw


So I'm playing Catan with friends and I look up and see this sight. On reflection it may have been slightly rude to jump up and run outside to snap it, but what would you have done?

Often in life we are given opportunities that we can choose to grab or ignore.

Some are small, they won't drastically change your life if you take it. You will still be able to carry out normal life. If I had missed this sunshine the board game would have carried on in the same manner, my day would have continued.. But it has enriched my day. It has made me appreciate what God has given me. It made me hopeful for the day. That hope was not in vain.

If I took every opportunity given to me, well, that would be a great life.

Step out your comfort zone and grab the opportunity; I dare you ;)

(This is unedited apart from a slight contrast adjustment. It really was phenomenal.)

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