Purple Magpie

By PurpleMagpie

Half empty ... Half full?

Which one is it for you?

I would normally say that I strive to be a half full kind of gal.

Today however the water is turned off as we are having a new boiler fitted. Therefore today it is definitely half empty. I am also cold so going to have to find the electric heater to warm the living room.

I am glad the boiler is being replaced. It has always been temperamental. It just turns itself off. When heavily pregnant with Baby S I went to step in the shower and it had turned off. I had to go downstairs with a towel wrapped around me, out in the garden, walk past the neighbours enjoying the sun in the garden, open the garage reset the boiler. Got back upstairs, checked water... Ooh lovely and hot .... Stepped in...... Boiler turns off.

At this point the air turned decidedly blue as I once again had to go downstairs in a towel, past the neighbours, open the garage etcetera. I phoned my husband on the phone and was giving him hormonal merry hell as I ranted and stomped.

It did not have much of an effect as Baby S is five months old. The deciding factor was that it started to leak water over christmas. The bizarre thing is that since it started leaking water it has been much more reliable. We are on a meter however and wastage of water is not to be tolerated so a new boiler it is.

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