Purple Magpie

By PurpleMagpie

Caggy handed

I spent my childhood being called caggy-handed. I was told by a fellow left handed person that I was the most left handed person she had ever met. This makes me very proud.

Scissors, rulers, vegetable peelers, computer keyboards and mouses and many many other things all conspire against me. If a shop has only opened one door you can bet your bottom dollar I try and open the one that is shut. I did have a left handed cheque book once and could not resist the left handed diary.

On the directors day on Wednesday they said you were better directing with your right hand. Harumph. The pictures telling you where to stick your hand for the different beats were for a right handed viewpoint so I had to do it with the right and then mirror it with the left. My MD told me yesterday to do it with my left.

Reading chord charts for a guitar etc confuse me cos I play ukulele etc all left handed but the chord charts are again for a right handed point of view.

I am also really quite clumsy. I can barely leave the house without getting toothpaste on me. At least I am cleaning my teeth though :)

I don't mind being left handed. It makes me just that little bit more special. It also looks like I am once again going to be the only left handed person in my house as Sam is already showing a preference for his right.

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